• Question: how far do you think artificial intelligence will advance in the next decade?

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    Asked by anon-258219 to Lucy on 2 Jul 2020.
    • Photo: Lucy Craddock

      Lucy Craddock answered on 2 Jul 2020:

      It’s difficult for me to say how far anything would develop but I feel development of artificial intelligence will move away from how complex we can make an AI system, but how explainable it is. As data warehouses continue to expand exponentially, a new wave of deep learning has enabled highly accurate and amazing feats in the scientific community, difficulty explaining how they work continues to grow. This is because AI uses layers and layers of algorithms stacked on top of each and pinpointing a reason behind a decision is extremely hard.
      The public is becoming more aware and educated of these systems and recognizing the affect on their every-day lives. I don’t think we can continue to build highly-intelligent AI without being to fully explain how they work, especially as legislation is starting to catch up. I think this will be the focus in AI research in the next coming years.
