• Question: how many electronics have you hacked

    Asked by anon-258223 on 2 Jul 2020.
    • Photo: Anar Yusifov

      Anar Yusifov answered on 2 Jul 2020:

      Only 1, but I can’t talk about it 😉

    • Photo: anon

      anon answered on 2 Jul 2020:

      Personally, I haven’t. Take a look at Andy’s answer to the “most impressive piece of hacking” question, if you haven’t seen it already – that’s how to hack electronic devices.

    • Photo: Andy Smith

      Andy Smith answered on 2 Jul 2020:

      Most of the hacking I’ve done has been software systems rather than hardware. There’s quite a few hacking ‘competitions’ where the organisers set challenges and give people permission to hack. My favourite is the annual SANS Holiday Hack (https://holidayhackchallenge.com/) – this runs over Christmas each year and has a fun festive theme. It’s a really great way to learn some hacking skills, and how to then defend against those attacks. If you decide to have a go at hacking, just make sure you only hack systems that you own, or where the owner has given you permission!

      Some of the hardware devices I’ve hacked includes my own WiFi router (in order to make it do extra functions that the manufacturer didn’t include themselves) and a greetings card which had a little screen built in to it (I reprogrammed it to show a video of my choosing).

    • Photo: Jane Kennedy

      Jane Kennedy answered on 2 Jul 2020:

      I have hacked one fake website – for an assessment at University, nothing illegal! We were given this site, and had to use common attacks to identify vulnerabilities. The purpose wasn’t to teach us to be hackers, but to teach us what security measures to put in our own codes if we didn’t hackers to break them.
