• Question: What do you enjoy most about your job?

    Asked by anon-257320 to Andrew_Y on 2 Jul 2020.
    • Photo: Andrew Yool

      Andrew Yool answered on 2 Jul 2020:

      Hi Henry.
      While, from the outside, my work mostly looks like sitting at a computer all the time, I’m lucky enough to get to be involved in lots of different bits of science because the models I run (or help run) have uses across a wide range of geoscience. So I do some work with biologists on the upper ocean, some with colleagues working on benthic (seafloor) communities, other work on how ocean currents move around carbon and nutrients in the ocean, and even get involved in work that uses our models to help with fisheries in developing countries. So although it’s all sitting in front of a computer, it’s usually very varied. Sometimes, actually, a little too varied – it’s hard to keep track of all the different bits and pieces. 🙂
      Thanks for your great question – I hope this helps answer it. And if you have any other questions you want to ask about the kind of work I do, please ask away!
